Do Your Split Ends Prevent You From Growing Out Your Hair? What Are Your Options?

If you've always wished for long, flowing locks, you may find your efforts repeatedly foiled by the development of split ends that require you to get a trim to avoid further damage. Unfortunately, split ends can be a fact of life for many, and those who frequently put their hair in a ponytail or live in hot, dry climates may find that their hair is especially vulnerable to splitting. Are there any options that can provide you with smooth, frizz-free locks in the length you desire? Read on to learn more about a few different ways you can achieve long locks without turning them into a fuzzy mess. 

Brazilian Blowout

While most stylist blowouts will last only a day or two, the "Brazilian blowout" uses chemical straighteners to seal your hair's shaft and remove any curl or wave. After you've had this blowout, you'll be able to enjoy ultra-straight, low-maintenance hair for weeks or even months to come. 

Many point to this process as a good way to add length; while it won't help your hair grow any faster, it can help you spot split ends (and trim them) as soon as they develop, limiting the spread of the split up the shaft. With smooth, sleek hair that won't require daily straightening until the blowout wears off in a few months, you'll find yourself looking and feeling better even if your hair hasn't yet reached its goal length. 

Brazilian Hair Extensions

Another good option for those who aren't sure they'll ever be able to achieve their desired length without some extra help is hair extensions. These extensions can be woven into your natural hair and dyed to match your current color, helping seamlessly integrate them and providing you with a long, layered look.

With careful and proper maintenance, hair extensions can last quite some time; while you may occasionally need to have extensions removed or reattached, you should be able to maintain these extensions for several months, giving your natural locks even more time to grow. To learn more about Brazilian virgin hair extensions, talk with a service like Higher Level Hair for more information. 

Razor Cutting

Often, the sharpness (or dullness) of your hair stylist's trimming shears can dictate the amount of time before your ends will begin to split. Using ultra-sharp shears or even a razor to cut your hair's layers can ensure the end of each strand is evenly cut. On the other hand, using dull scissors to cut your hair can fray the shaft, much like a frayed electrical cord, setting you up for a split just a few days or weeks after your trim. You may want to ask your stylist to use a razor or give their scissors a good sharpening before your next haircut. 
